My Poor Dad Says My Rich Dad Says
"My house is an asset." "My house is a liability."
Rich dad says, "If you stop working today, an asset puts money in your pocket and a liability takes money from your pocket. Too often people call liabilities assets. It's important to know the difference between the two.
"I can't afford it." "How can I afford it?"
The statement "I can't afford it" shuts down your thinking. By asking the right question, you mind opens up and looks for answers.
"The reason I'm not rich is because I have you kids." "The reason I must be rich is because I have you kids."
"I'm not interested in money." "Money is power."
"When it comes to money, play it safe - don't take risks."
"Learn how to manage risk."
"Pay myself last." "Paid myself first." Rich Dad always took a percentage off the top of any income he earned. He put this money into an investment account that went toward purchasing his assets. Poor Dad spent all his money first and never had any remaining for investments.
"Believed that the company you worked for or the government should take care of your financial needs." "Believed in financial self-reliance and financial responsibility".
"Focused only on academic literacy". "Focused on financial literacy as well as academic literacy".
"Learned only the vocabulary of academia". "Learned the vocabulary of finance – "Your words are the most valuable tools you have."
"I work for my money." "My money works for me."
"Thought that making more money would solve his financial problem". "Knew that financial education was the answer to his financial problems":
"It's not how much money you make that's important – it's how much money you keep and how long you keep it."
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Poor Dad vs. Rich Dad
Labels: Motivation
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Benarkah unit amanah satu pelaburan selamat?
Bagaimanakah untuk mendapatkan senarai saham ‘halal’?
Senarai saham halal bursa tempatan atau sekuriti yang diklasifikasikan sebagai sekuriti patuh syariah ada dikemaskini dari semasa-kesemasa oleh Majlis Penasihat Syariah Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia. Senarai lengkap tersebut boleh diakses di laman www. (cari di bahagian Islamic Capital Market). Terdapat 871 saham halal mengikut senarai tersebut yang bertarikh 28 April 2006, merangkumi 85 peratus daripada keseluruhan sekuriti yang didagangkan di Bursa Malaysia.
Adakah unit amanah satu bentuk pelaburan yang selamat?
Unit amanah adalah seperti pelaburan-pelaburan lain, di mana prestasi adalah ditentukan oleh keadaan pergerakan pasaran yang berubah-ubah. Bagi mengimbangi kesan kuasa dan ketidaktentuan pasaran, pengurus unit amanah selalunya mengamalkan kaedah meminimumkan risiko pelaburan dengan cara meluaskan tebaran risiko di mana komponen portfolio dana amanah adalah dipelbagaikan untuk meliputi serangkaian luas pelaburan aset dan corak pelaburan. Kepelbagaian kadang-kala meliputi campuran kelas- kelas aset seperti saham, bon-bon dan instrumen pasaran wang. Sekiranya terdapat sebarang kejatuhan aset tertentu, kenaikan harga dan nilai aset lain dapat menampung kerugian tersebut.
Patutkah saya menggunakan wang pinjaman dari institusi kewangan untuk menambah kuasa melabur?
Elok sekiranya kos meminjam adalah rendah. Namun ia boleh memberi masalah apabila kos meminjam meningkat berbanding pulangan dividen dan bonus yang diterima. Unit amanah sinonim sebagai satu skim tabungan jangka panjang, oleh itu tabungan yang konsisten secara bulanan atau suku tahunan adalah wajar, walaupun dalam jumlah yang kecil; “Sedikit-sedikit, lama-lama jadi bukit”.
Boleh jelaskan penggunaan harga belian/jualan dan ‘NAB’ yang tertera di media.
Harga yang dipaparkan ialah harga beli/jual bagi pihak pengurus dana kepada pemegang unit/pelabur seperti anda. Oleh itu, harga belian yang tertera (bid) ialah harga yang anda gunakan untuk menjual unit, manakala harga jualan (offer) ialah harga di mana anda membeli unit.
Nilai Aset Bersih (NAB) ialah nilai kesemua aset dana ditolak keseluruhan tanggungan dana pada satu-satu masa penilaian , manakala NAB seunit pula ialah NAB dana itu yang dibahagi dengan jumlah bilangan unit dalam edaran pada masa penilaian. Angka ini penting kerana ia diguna sebagai panduan untuk menentukan harga belian dan jualan yang dikira setiap hari oleh Pengurus pada penutup hari perniagaan Bursa.
Apabila saya ingin menjual unit-unit pelaburan, adakah saya perlu menunggu sehingga wujud pelabur yang ingin membeli?
Tidak. Pengurus dana ialah pihak yang akan membeli semula unit-unit anda, mengikut terma dan syarat yang terkandung dalam prospektus sesuatu dana itu.
Apakah yang patut saya lakukan sekiranya pasaran saham menjunam?
Harga saham akan sentiasa turun atau naik kerana ini adalah lumrah pasaran, namun pada jangkamasa sederhana ke panjang ia akan naik. Anda tidak perlu lakukan apa-apa, harungi keadaan tersebut atau sekiranya berkemampuan tambah pelaburan sewaktu pasaran menampakkan kestabilan. Seperti yang sering disarankan, pelaburan unit amanah adalah untuk tempoh jangka sederhana/panjang.
Adakah dana bon Islam hanya pada nama? Saya berpendapat ia masih bersekongkol dengan riba’ kerana mendapat hasil coupon rate yang tetap.
Bon Islam ialah instrumen kategori sekuriti pendapatan tetap yang merujuk kepada pinjaman yang diberi oleh pembeli bon kepada pihak yang menerbitkannya. Konsep ini sama dengan operasi bon konvensional dimana peminjam akan mendapat bayaran berkala beserta keuntungan. Namun prinsip yang digunapakai ialah berlunaskan syariah dan kita mempunyai pelbagai pilihan cara terbitan seperti ‘Murabahah’, ‘Musyarakah’, ‘BBA Islamik’, ‘Bai Inah’, ‘Bai Al-Dayn’, ‘Sukuk Istisnaa’ ' dan ‘Sukuk Ijarah’.
Labels: Unit trust info
Sunday, December 16, 2007
*Your life - your likes - you decide!!!*
A long time ago, there was an Emperor who told his horseman that if he
could ride on his horse and cover as much land area as he likes, then the Emperor would give him the area of land he has covered.
Sure enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and rode as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could. He kept on riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. When he was hungry or tired, he did not stop because he wanted to cover as much area as possible.
Came to a point when he had covered a substantial area and he was exhausted and was dying. Then he asked himself, "Why did I push myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only need a very small area to bury myself."
The above story is similar with the journey of our Life. We push very hard everyday to make more money, to gain power and recognition. We neglect our health , time with our family and to appreciate the surrounding beauty and the hobbies we love.
One day when we look back , we will realize that we don't really need that much, but then we cannot turn back time for what we have missed.
Life is not about making money, acquiring power or recognition . Life is definitely not about work! Work is only necessary to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life. Life is a balance of Work and Play , Family and Personal time . You have to decide how you want to balance your Life. Define your priorities, realize what you are able to compromise but always let some of your decisions be based on your instincts. Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of Life, the whole aim of human existence.
So, take it easy, do what you want to do and appreciate nature. Life is fragile, Life is short. Do not take Life for granted. Live a balanced lifestyle and enjoy Life!
Watch your thoughts ; they become words. Watch your words ; they become actions.
Watch your actions ; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character .
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny..
Smile in pleasure, smile in pain; Smile when trouble pours like rain; Smile when someone hurts U, Smile coz someone cares 4 U. Keep Smiling:)
Labels: Motivation
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Public Mutual sells RM1b units of fund
KUALA LUMPUR: Public Mutual Bhd has sold about RM1bil worth of units in Public China Ittikal Fund (PCIF) during the offer period which ended Dec 10.
Chief executive officer Yeoh Kim Hong said the company had increased the fund size to five billion units to cater to the overwhelming demand for PCIF.
“The fund received good response as this is the first China Islamic fund in the country that offers investors the opportunity to ride on the solid growth prospects of the greater China region,” Yeoh said in a statement.
Yeoh said PCIF would invest a minimum of 70% of its net asset value (NAV) in the greater China region namely in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan stocks.
In an earlier statement, Public Mutual said it had increased the size of Public South-East Asia Select Fund (PSEASF) to five billion units from 1.5 billion units due to strong demand from investors.
PSEASF is an equity fund that seeks to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term by investing in a portfolio of investments in Asean markets. – Bernama
Labels: News, Public Mutual
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Industri saham amanah mampu tarik pelabur asing
KUALA LUMPUR 13 Dis. – Industri saham amanah tempatan mempunyai potensi untuk berkembang dan menarik pelaburan asing, kerana menawarkan kadar pulangan yang tinggi berbanding ekuiti dana global.
Presiden Persekutuan Pengurus Saham Amanah Malaysia (FMUTM), Tunku Datuk Ya’acob Abdullah berkata, walaupun ramai yang tertarik untuk melabur di luar negara tetapi melabur di Malaysia juga tidak kurang hebatnya.
``Malah dalam banyak kes, kita telah menandingi dana asing dari segi kadar pulangan setahun,’’ katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas menyampaikan ucapan pada Persidangan Tahunan Perunding Saham Amanah di sini, hari ini.
Beliau berkata, kadar pulangan dana ekuiti Malaysia untuk setahun adalah tinggi sebanyak 34 peratus begitu juga dengan ekuiti dana Islam sebanyak 33 peratus, berbanding ekuiti dana global hanya menawarkan 12 peratus dan dana ekuiti Asia Pasifik tidak termasuk Jepun pula hanya sebanyak 31 peratus.
Katanya, pertumbuhan industri saham amanah di Malaysia dijangka kekal kukuh pada tahun depan.
Tambahnya, sehingga 30 September lepas, jumlah aset dalam industri saham amanah tempatan mencecah RM155 bilion mewakili 15 peratus daripada keseluruhan pasaran modal Bursa Malaysia.
Kejayaan industri ini juga membayangkan pertambahan jumlah perunding saham amanah tempatan kepada 53,000 orang pada tahun ini berbanding 21,000 orang pada tahun 2005, ujarnya.
Labels: News
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Suatu hari, seorang Professor yang sedang membuat kajian tentang lautan dan menumpang sebuah sampan.Pendayung sampan itu seorang tua yang begitu pendiam. Professor memang mencari pendayung sampan yang pendiam agar tidak banyak bertanya ketika dia sedang membuat kajian.
Dengan begitu tekun Professor itu membuat kajian.Diambilnya sedikit air laut dengan tabung uji kemudian digoyang-goyang; selepas itu dia menulis sesuatu di dalam buku. Berjam-jam lamanya Professor itu membuat kajian dengan tekun sekali. Pendayung sampan itu mendongak ke langit.
Berdasarkan pengalamannya dia berkata di dalam hati, "Hmm. Hari nak hujan."
"OK, semua sudah siap, mari kita balik ke darat" kata Professor itu. Pendayung sampan itu akur dan mula memusingkan sampannya ke arah pantai.
Hanya dalam perjalanan pulang itu barulah Professor itu menegur pendayung sampan.
"Kamu dah lama kerja mendayung sampan?" Tanya Professor itu.
"Hampir semur hidup saya." Jawab pendayung sampan itu dgn ringkas.
"Seumur hidup kamu?" Tanya Professor itu lagi. "Ya".
"Jadi kamu tak tahu perkara-perkara lain selain dari mendayung sampan?" Tanya Professor itu.
Pendayung sampan itu hanya menggelengkan kepalanya. Masih tidak berpuas hati, Professor itu bertanya lagi,
"Kamu tahu geografi?" Pendayung sampan itu menggelengkan kepala.
"Kalau macam ni, kamu dah kehilangan 25 peratus dari usia kamu."
Kata Professor itu lagi, "Kamu tahu biologi?"
Pendayung sampan itu menggelengkan kepala.
"Kasihan.Kamu dah kehilangan 50 peratus usia kamu. Kamu tahu fizik?" Professor itu
masih lagi bertanya.Seperti tadi, pendayung sampan itu hanya menggelengkan kepala.
"Kalau begini, kasihan, kamu sudah kehilangan 75 peratus dari usia kamu.Malang sungguh nasib kamu, semuanya tak tahu.Seluruh usia kamu dihabiskan sebagai pendayung sampan." Kata Professor itu dengan nada mengejek dan angkuh. Pendayung sampan itu hanya berdiam diri.
Selang beberapa minit kemudian, tiba-tiba hujan turun.Tiba-tiba saja datang ombak besar. Sampan itu dilambung ombak besar dan terbalik. Professor dan pendayung sampan terpelanting.Sempat pula pendayung sampan itu bertanya,
"Kamu tahu berenang?"
Professor itu menggelengkan kepala.
"Kalau macam ini, kamu dah kehilangan 100 peratus nyawa kamu." Kata pendayung sampan itu sambil berenang menuju ke pantai.
Morale of the Story:
Dalam hidup ini IQ yang tinggi belum tentu boleh menjamin kehidupan. Tak guna kita pandai dan tahu banyak perkara jika tak tahu perkara-perkara penting dalam hidup. Adakalanya orang yang kita sangka bodoh itu rupanya lebih berjaya dari kita. Dia mungkin bodoh dalam bidang yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan kerjayanya, tetapi "MASTER" dalam bidang yang diceburi.
Hidup ini singkat. Jadi, tanyalah pada diri sendiri,untuk apakah ilmu yg dikumpulkan jika bukan utk digunakan dan boleh digunakan?
Hikmat Inspirasi:
Kepuasan itu terletak pada usaha bukannya pada pencapaian. Usaha sempurna adalah kemenangan...
Labels: Motivation
Thursday, December 6, 2007
David Copperfield's flying illusion
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
David Copperfield performs a flying levitation created by John Gaughan that is considered by both magicians and laymen to be the world's finest.[citation needed] After his acrobatic flight around the stage, the audience suspects he may be suspended on wires, so Copperfield has spinning hoops passed over him to disprove this. He then floats inside a covered acrylic glass box to convince them otherwise. He selects a female volunteer from his audience and flies with her in a fashion similar to Superman carrying Lois Lane. The illusion sometimes ends with a falcon named "Icarus" grasping Copperfield by the wrist and flying off stage with him.
The performance is accompanied by an orchestration called "East of Eden Suite" by film composer Lee Holdridge, originally written as the theme music for the 1981 miniseries East of Eden.
David Copperfield is supported by a pair of arrays of many fine wires that remain invisible to the audience when viewed against the light blue background. The wires are less than 1mm thick, but they can support 100kg each. The wire arrays are mounted at the hips, conveniently near the human center of mass, to a harness worn under the clothing. This creates a balance point that allows Copperfield a wide range of natural movement while suspended. The wires are attached to a computer-controlled rig above the stage that ensures each wire is taut, and keeps each fan of wires "in a plane substantially perpendicular to the viewing direction of the audience so as to maintain the integrity of the illusion." During the hoop demonstration, two hoops are used simultaneously, and the way they are moved in unison creates an optical illusion that he has fully passed through each hoop, when he has not actually passed through either of them. In the glass box demonstration, the top of the box is threaded between the two sets of wires in a vertical position, before being rotated ninety degrees and lowered into place. The wires remain in place while Copperfield is in the glass box, passing through crevices between the lid and the sides. Since the wires are trapped in a single position while he is in the box, he is only able to rotate on one axis, so he stays side on to the front of the audience throughout this part of the performance. When he flies with the girl, he holds her in front of him, and she does not come into contact with the wires.
p/s: ingatkan jin yg tolong dia terbang..
Labels: Macam-macam
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Based on Bestselling Book by Dale Carnegie (First Published in 1936).
Fundamental Techniques in Handling People:
1. Don't criticize, condemn or complain.
2. Give honest and sincere appreciation.
3. Arouse in the other person an eager want.
Six Ways To Make People Like You:
1. Become genuinely interested in other people.
2. Smile.
3. Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
5. Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
6. Make the other person feel important - and do it sincerely.
Win People To Your Way Of Thinking: 1. The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
2. Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say, "You're wrong."
3. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
4. Begin in a friendly way.
5. Get the other person saying "yes, yes" immediately.
6. Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.
7. Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.
8. Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view.
9. Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires.
10. Appeal to the nobler motives.
11. Dramatize your ideas.
12. Throw down a challenge.
Be a Leader: How To Change People Without Giving Offense Or Arousing Resentment
A leader's job often includes changing your people's attitudes and behavior. Some suggestions to accomplish this:
1. Begin with praise and honest appreciation.
2. Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly.
3. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.
4. Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.
5. Let the other person save face.
6. Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be "hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise."
7. Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.
8. Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct.
9. Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.
Labels: Motivation
Lower unit trust sales charges
PETALING JAYA: Effective next month, sales charges for investment in unit trusts by Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contributors are expected to be slashed to not more than 3% from 5% to 6% now.A source told StarBiz that the move was expected as the current charges were relatively high compared with other countries, and for the industry to be globally competitive, the upfront sales charges should come down.
This would also reduce the cost of investment and improve returns as the current sales charges were eating into unit trust returns, he said, adding that the move, over time, would lower the overall sales charges in the industry. Pacific Mutual Fund Bhd chief executive officer and chief investment officer Michael Auyeung said the move was a positive development for the industry.
Lowering sales charges would provide investors a quicker path to garnering returns on their investment, and might encourage many to make regular withdrawals.
“Distributors who earnestly assess what the EPF is trying to do for its contributors will eventually see that this move will benefit everyone,” Auyeung said. From the perspective of unit trust management companies, most players would welcome the lowering of any hurdle that helped change investors' mindsets and allowed them to realise that unit trusts were an extremely viable investment and pension planning instrument, he said.
Furthermore, he said, the excuse that high upfront fees were keeping pensioned investors away had been partly overcome. Auyeung said when news emerged that EPF investors were losing money in unit trusts, Pacific Mutual conducted an in-depth study of its own investor base. “Total gains made by our investors between 2003 and 2005 were RM41.32mil while losses amounted to RM65,000. Most of the losses were incurred by recent investors who had yet to recover the fees they paid upfront,” he noted.
An industry player said: “Those unit trust management companies that rely heavily on agents would in the short term see a negative impact on their businesses.
“This is because the agents' customers mainly comprise EPF contributors. The lowering of sales charges would affect the agents' commissions which, in turn, would affect the companies' businesses in the short term.''
Labels: News