Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Gandakan Pendapatan Anda 1000%

Cuba bayangkan... sekiranya anda boleh mempunyai pendapatan 10 x ganda dari pendapatan anda sekarang. Andainya anda mempunyai pendapatan RM3o,000 setahun, bayangkan seketika yg anda boleh mencapai pendapatan RM300,000 setahun. Wow!! kenaikan sebanyak 1000%

Percaya kepada diri anda sendiri:
Reaksi pertama kepada kebanyakan org apabila mendengar kenyataan di atas adalah dia akan memikirkan kenapa ianya mustahil. Seseorang pernah berkata "Kalau kamu tahu berapa pendapatan saya sekarang, kamu tak akan mengajukan soalan itu."

Tiada Alasan:
Mark Twain pernah menulis bahawa ada seribu alasan untuk setiap kegagalan tetapi tak ada satu sebab pun alasan yg baik. Trajedi utk setiap org adalah di dalam pemikirannya telah ada satu halangan yg dia tak berpotensi utk mencapai pendapatan lebih dari apa yg dia perolehi sekarang.

Bolehkan Seorang itu Mencapai Pendapatan 10x Lebih dari Sekarang?
Adakah seorang manager yg menpunyai pendapatan RM300,000 setahun 10x cerdik dari seorang manager yg berpendapatan RM30,000 setahun? 10x lebih berpengalaman? Atau dia bekerja 10x lebih kuat? Sudah tentu TIDAK !! tetapi ada orang yg datang dari berlainan jenis perniagaan mempunyai pendapatan berlipat kali ganda dari orang yg sama umur, pengalaman, & kecerdikan.

IQ Tidak Penting:
Satu kajian di New York membuktikan seseorang yg mempunyai pendapatan tinggi tak semestinya mempunyai IQ yg tinggi. Ada di antara mereka yg IQ tinggi mempunyai pendapatan jauh lebih rendah dari org yg mempunyai IQ rendah dan sebaliknya. Ada perbezaan sehingga 100x ganda.

Apa yg Perlu Anda Lakukan utk Gandakan Pendapatan Anda?
Pertama: Kenal pasti dlm bidang pekerjaan anda org yg mempunyai pendapatan yg tinggi & apakah yg dilakukannya berbeza dari org lain. Tiru cara & gaya mereka.

Kedua: Tetapkan satu perancangan utk menggandakan pendapatan anda dlm jangka masa 2 atau 3 tahun dari sekarang. Kemudian fikirkan apa yg perlu anda lakukan utk mencapai kejayaan itu. Bermula lah dari sekarang kerana setiap saat amat penting. Kerja bertangguh tak akan menjadi...

7 Langkah Utk Berjaya

Disiplinkan diri anda terhadap perkara yg anda rasakan boleh membawa kepada kejayaan dalam hidup anda. Definasi utk "Disiplin" adalah kebolehan anda utk melakukan anda apa yg telah anda rancangkan sama ada secara sukarela atau atas paksaan. Contohnya disiplinkan diri anda untuk membaca buku selama sejam sehari. Jadi sama ada secara sukarela atau terpaksa, anda mesti mencari masa selama sejam utk lakukan aktiviti ini setiap hari.

Memang senang utk mendisiplinkan diri anda terhadap sesuatu yg anda selesa melakukannya. Tetapi untuk berjaya, anda mesti memaksa diri utk keluar dari "comfort zone" & lakukan activity yg menjurus kepada kejayaan & matlamat anda. Contohnya, sekiranya anda seorang salesman, tugas anda adalah utk bertemu dengan customer. Jadi disiplinkan diri anda untuk membuat telephone call, appointment, practice on sales presentation, & sebagainya. Sekiranya goal anda adalah utk close 5 sales seminggu & hit rate adalah 50%, so anda perlulah membuat 15 phone call seminggu, 10 appointment dari phone call tersebut, & close 5 sales. Disiplinkan diri utk lakukan perkara yang sama ini setiap minggu & anda akan kagum dengan resultnya nanti.

Berikut adalah 7 langkah yg anda perlu lakukan utk berjaya:

1. Decide what you want - Fikirkan apa kemahuan anda
Ini adalah step terpenting kerana anda perlu tentukan hala tuju atau goal anda sebelum lakukan tindakan selanjutnya. Ianya mestilah very specific & jangan terlalu general. Contoh, anda mahu pendapatan RM10,000 sebulan

2. Write it down - tuliskan atas kertas
Tanpa anda tuliskan apa kemahuan atau goal anda atas kertas secara detail ianya adalah hanya satu impian kosong .

3. Set a dateline - tentukan tarikh utk mencapai kemahuan anda
Dateline ada "motivating force" utk anda merancang kemahuan anda. Sekiranya goal anda terlalu besar, pecahkan kepada sub dateline.

4. Make a list - tuliskan list activity anda
Tuliskan activity anda yg anda fikirkan perlu utk mencapai matlamat anda.

5. Organise your list - Susun aturkan list anda
Fikirkan apa yg perlu anda lakukan dahulu, kedua, ketiga, & seterusnya. Disiplinkan diri anda utk lakukan seperti yg telah anda tuliskan.

6. Take action - Ambil tindakan
Berpandukan list anda tadi, lakukan sesuatu & sibukkan diri anda utk mencapai matlamat tersebut.

7. Do something everyday - Lakukan sesuatu setiap hari
Setiap individu mempunyai 365 hari setahun, 24 jam sehari. Setiap hari jangan biarkan ianya berlalu tanpa aktiviti yg berfaedah.

Sekiranya anda dapat mendisplinkan diri anda utk lakukan sesuatu yg berfaedah demi mencapai matlamat, anda sendiri akan kagum dengan kejayaan yg anda akan kecapi nanti.

Selamat mencuba...

The Law of Priorities

The very worst use of your time is to do well what need not be done at all. The Pareto Principle says that 20% of your activities will account for 80% of the value of your activities. This means that, if you have a list of ten items to accomplish, two of those items will be worth more than the other eight items altogether.

To achieve great things, you must always be concentrating on the small number of activities that contribute the greatest value to your life and your work.

Determine the Consequences
The value of anything in your order of priorities can be measured by assessing the potential consequences of doing it or not doing it. Something that is important has significant consequences to your life and your career. Something that is unimportant has few or no consequences of significance to your life or career. The mark of the superior thinker is your ability to consider possible consequences before you begin.

Become a high achiever by getting more done in less time
Wouldn't you like to have more success, today? I have figured out a way to help you achieve your daily tasks in less time. With my organization skills, you can really focus on what is important in your daily work. When you separate the urgent from the important, you can plan every day in advance.

Ask the Key Question
Continually ask yourself, "What is the most valuable use of my time, right now?" And whatever it is, work on that. Your ability to discipline yourself to work on those few tasks that can make the greatest difference in your life is the key quality that makes everything

The Rich Do Things Yesterday...

Make it a habit, do every task as if it was urgent.
Moving fast & getting things done has many hidden & tangible benefits. It allows u to grab opportunities that would be impossible otherwise. It means u have marketing opportunities & gives u the chance to tackle ongoing problems.

Moving fast isn't an optional extra if u want to be rich. It is what will drive your success. If u take life & work at a relaxed pace, then your business will not move forward & your customer will go elsewhere.

Make a resolution (AZAM): If something needs to be done, do it now. What needs to be done tomrrow? Do it today. Then think about next week's task & do them tomorrow. Keep moving fast.

In business u can't just move fast. U also have to think fast & decide fast. Making fast decisions can be difficult for some people. Sometimes, it almost seems physically painful. But u will better off making a decision than doing nothing. Someone who does nothing will stagnate personally, & so will their business.

Observe successful people & u will see how they seem to make big decision - even ones costing millions of dollars - at a speed that may look reckless. Why does it look reckless? Because the decision has been taken so fast. But successful people know that they will never have complete information on which to base their decision, so they have to go ahead with the knowledge they already have. There are only disadvantages to not making a decision, for it means nothing will be done.

Moral of the story: Just do it with whatever information & knowledge that u have right now. U don't have to wait until u know everything then u will start the business. Learning is a journey process & not a destination. Keep on moving & learn along your way... Think about it...

Dollar Cost Averaging

An example of what dollar cost averaging can achieve.
With dollar cost averaging, you don't have to worry about where share prices or interest rates are headed. You simply invest a set amount of money on a regular basis over a long period of time.

Sound easy? You're absolutely right. Dollar cost averaging is a disciplined investment technique that can help turn the odds in your favour. The idea is that you buy less when the market is up, and more when it is down - automatically.

Let's look at an example which is fairly exaggerated, but illustrates how it works. Say you put $100 per month into a managed investment that initially had a unit price of $10. Over the next few months, the market falls (causing the unit price to drop) before recovering to its original value.

Month---Investment---Unit Price---Units Purchased
1-----------$100----------- $10--------------10.0
2-----------$100----------- $8---------------12.5
3-----------$100----------- $5---------------20.0
4-----------$100----------- $8---------------12.5
5-----------$100----------- $10--------------10.0
Total:------$500-----------$10-total units:65.0

At the end of the 5 months you have 65 units each worth $10, so you have $650. You have invested $500, so your profit is $150 even though the unit price is the same as when you first invested.

Of course, dollar cost averaging does not guarantee a profit. But with a sensible and long-term investment approach, dollar cost averaging can smooth out the market's ups and downs and reduce the risk of investing in volatile markets.

So when is the best time to invest? This month, next month…every month.

Advantages of managed funds

While there will always be a place for direct investments (for wealthy individuals, investors with special interest or ambition to self-manage, when there are special opportunities to take advantage of, and so on), managed funds make sense for most investors who are inexperienced and in any event, unable to access necessary research information or to analyse that information.

Other advantages of professionally managed funds over direct investments are as follows:

Professional management - Investors in a managed fund effectively employ professionals to act on their behalf. This is a 'hands free' investment from an investor point of view.

Cost efficiencies - due to the very enormous amounts Fund Managers deal with they effectively have a greater bargaining power than the individual investor relative to transaction costs. The costs include brokerage fees etc.; these reduced fees available to Fund Managers are passed back to the Client in the form of better returns.

Diversification - Investing in a Managed Fund allows diversification that would not otherwise be possible if investing directly. For example it would not be possible to invest $80,000 evenly over the property market and the equities market. This is simply because you would not be able to purchase a property market for $40,000. However you could achieve this allocation of funds via a Managed Fund.

Flexibility - Investing in a managed fund allows flexibility to alter your investment portfolio simply and without incurring new entry fees and brokerage cost

Liquidity - Depending on the underlying investment would determine how quickly the funds can be accessed. In most cases funds would be released within 14days. Investors can access a part of their funds or the whole amount as required.
Administration - Administration is simplified as the investor receives one cheque and one statement per managed fund instead of a number of cheques from property managers, company dividends etc.

Unit trust industry is booming...

THE unit trust industry expanded further during the first five months of the year with the launch of new funds and an increase in the number of units in circulation.

The growth was attributed to sustained investor interest in unit trusts as a viable investment instrument.

During the period, 45 new funds were launched to reach a total of 435 funds as at end-May (end-2006: 392 funds).

Units in circulation rose 8.7% to 167.4 billion (end-December, 2006: 10.5%; 154.1 billion). The Islamic unit trust segment continued to expand with 12 new funds bringing the total to 106 as at end-May 2007 (end-2006: 95 funds).

The net asset value (NAV) of the unit trust industry rose 18% to RM143.7bil and accounted for 13.5% of the market capitalisation of Bursa Malaysia (end-2006: 23.6%; RM121.8bil; 14.4%).

The number of new unit trust funds launched that invested in foreign markets and funds already investing abroad reached 128 funds as of end-May, with investment totalling RM10.8bil.

There has been positive response to the Government's efforts to promote the development of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in the capital market. The first half of 2007 saw four new REITs listed on Bursa Malaysia bringing the total to 13 REITs.

Market capitalisation of REITs rose strongly by 73.5% to RM4.98bil as at end-June (end-2006: RM2.87bil), reflecting growing investor interest in REITs as an investment instrument to access the property market.
