My Poor Dad Says My Rich Dad Says
"My house is an asset." "My house is a liability."
Rich dad says, "If you stop working today, an asset puts money in your pocket and a liability takes money from your pocket. Too often people call liabilities assets. It's important to know the difference between the two.
"I can't afford it." "How can I afford it?"
The statement "I can't afford it" shuts down your thinking. By asking the right question, you mind opens up and looks for answers.
"The reason I'm not rich is because I have you kids." "The reason I must be rich is because I have you kids."
"I'm not interested in money." "Money is power."
"When it comes to money, play it safe - don't take risks."
"Learn how to manage risk."
"Pay myself last." "Paid myself first." Rich Dad always took a percentage off the top of any income he earned. He put this money into an investment account that went toward purchasing his assets. Poor Dad spent all his money first and never had any remaining for investments.
"Believed that the company you worked for or the government should take care of your financial needs." "Believed in financial self-reliance and financial responsibility".
"Focused only on academic literacy". "Focused on financial literacy as well as academic literacy".
"Learned only the vocabulary of academia". "Learned the vocabulary of finance – "Your words are the most valuable tools you have."
"I work for my money." "My money works for me."
"Thought that making more money would solve his financial problem". "Knew that financial education was the answer to his financial problems":
"It's not how much money you make that's important – it's how much money you keep and how long you keep it."
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Poor Dad vs. Rich Dad
Labels: Motivation
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Benarkah unit amanah satu pelaburan selamat?
Bagaimanakah untuk mendapatkan senarai saham ‘halal’?
Senarai saham halal bursa tempatan atau sekuriti yang diklasifikasikan sebagai sekuriti patuh syariah ada dikemaskini dari semasa-kesemasa oleh Majlis Penasihat Syariah Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia. Senarai lengkap tersebut boleh diakses di laman www. (cari di bahagian Islamic Capital Market). Terdapat 871 saham halal mengikut senarai tersebut yang bertarikh 28 April 2006, merangkumi 85 peratus daripada keseluruhan sekuriti yang didagangkan di Bursa Malaysia.
Adakah unit amanah satu bentuk pelaburan yang selamat?
Unit amanah adalah seperti pelaburan-pelaburan lain, di mana prestasi adalah ditentukan oleh keadaan pergerakan pasaran yang berubah-ubah. Bagi mengimbangi kesan kuasa dan ketidaktentuan pasaran, pengurus unit amanah selalunya mengamalkan kaedah meminimumkan risiko pelaburan dengan cara meluaskan tebaran risiko di mana komponen portfolio dana amanah adalah dipelbagaikan untuk meliputi serangkaian luas pelaburan aset dan corak pelaburan. Kepelbagaian kadang-kala meliputi campuran kelas- kelas aset seperti saham, bon-bon dan instrumen pasaran wang. Sekiranya terdapat sebarang kejatuhan aset tertentu, kenaikan harga dan nilai aset lain dapat menampung kerugian tersebut.
Patutkah saya menggunakan wang pinjaman dari institusi kewangan untuk menambah kuasa melabur?
Elok sekiranya kos meminjam adalah rendah. Namun ia boleh memberi masalah apabila kos meminjam meningkat berbanding pulangan dividen dan bonus yang diterima. Unit amanah sinonim sebagai satu skim tabungan jangka panjang, oleh itu tabungan yang konsisten secara bulanan atau suku tahunan adalah wajar, walaupun dalam jumlah yang kecil; “Sedikit-sedikit, lama-lama jadi bukit”.
Boleh jelaskan penggunaan harga belian/jualan dan ‘NAB’ yang tertera di media.
Harga yang dipaparkan ialah harga beli/jual bagi pihak pengurus dana kepada pemegang unit/pelabur seperti anda. Oleh itu, harga belian yang tertera (bid) ialah harga yang anda gunakan untuk menjual unit, manakala harga jualan (offer) ialah harga di mana anda membeli unit.
Nilai Aset Bersih (NAB) ialah nilai kesemua aset dana ditolak keseluruhan tanggungan dana pada satu-satu masa penilaian , manakala NAB seunit pula ialah NAB dana itu yang dibahagi dengan jumlah bilangan unit dalam edaran pada masa penilaian. Angka ini penting kerana ia diguna sebagai panduan untuk menentukan harga belian dan jualan yang dikira setiap hari oleh Pengurus pada penutup hari perniagaan Bursa.
Apabila saya ingin menjual unit-unit pelaburan, adakah saya perlu menunggu sehingga wujud pelabur yang ingin membeli?
Tidak. Pengurus dana ialah pihak yang akan membeli semula unit-unit anda, mengikut terma dan syarat yang terkandung dalam prospektus sesuatu dana itu.
Apakah yang patut saya lakukan sekiranya pasaran saham menjunam?
Harga saham akan sentiasa turun atau naik kerana ini adalah lumrah pasaran, namun pada jangkamasa sederhana ke panjang ia akan naik. Anda tidak perlu lakukan apa-apa, harungi keadaan tersebut atau sekiranya berkemampuan tambah pelaburan sewaktu pasaran menampakkan kestabilan. Seperti yang sering disarankan, pelaburan unit amanah adalah untuk tempoh jangka sederhana/panjang.
Adakah dana bon Islam hanya pada nama? Saya berpendapat ia masih bersekongkol dengan riba’ kerana mendapat hasil coupon rate yang tetap.
Bon Islam ialah instrumen kategori sekuriti pendapatan tetap yang merujuk kepada pinjaman yang diberi oleh pembeli bon kepada pihak yang menerbitkannya. Konsep ini sama dengan operasi bon konvensional dimana peminjam akan mendapat bayaran berkala beserta keuntungan. Namun prinsip yang digunapakai ialah berlunaskan syariah dan kita mempunyai pelbagai pilihan cara terbitan seperti ‘Murabahah’, ‘Musyarakah’, ‘BBA Islamik’, ‘Bai Inah’, ‘Bai Al-Dayn’, ‘Sukuk Istisnaa’ ' dan ‘Sukuk Ijarah’.
Labels: Unit trust info
Sunday, December 16, 2007
*Your life - your likes - you decide!!!*
A long time ago, there was an Emperor who told his horseman that if he
could ride on his horse and cover as much land area as he likes, then the Emperor would give him the area of land he has covered.
Sure enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and rode as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could. He kept on riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. When he was hungry or tired, he did not stop because he wanted to cover as much area as possible.
Came to a point when he had covered a substantial area and he was exhausted and was dying. Then he asked himself, "Why did I push myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only need a very small area to bury myself."
The above story is similar with the journey of our Life. We push very hard everyday to make more money, to gain power and recognition. We neglect our health , time with our family and to appreciate the surrounding beauty and the hobbies we love.
One day when we look back , we will realize that we don't really need that much, but then we cannot turn back time for what we have missed.
Life is not about making money, acquiring power or recognition . Life is definitely not about work! Work is only necessary to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life. Life is a balance of Work and Play , Family and Personal time . You have to decide how you want to balance your Life. Define your priorities, realize what you are able to compromise but always let some of your decisions be based on your instincts. Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of Life, the whole aim of human existence.
So, take it easy, do what you want to do and appreciate nature. Life is fragile, Life is short. Do not take Life for granted. Live a balanced lifestyle and enjoy Life!
Watch your thoughts ; they become words. Watch your words ; they become actions.
Watch your actions ; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character .
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny..
Smile in pleasure, smile in pain; Smile when trouble pours like rain; Smile when someone hurts U, Smile coz someone cares 4 U. Keep Smiling:)
Labels: Motivation
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Public Mutual sells RM1b units of fund
KUALA LUMPUR: Public Mutual Bhd has sold about RM1bil worth of units in Public China Ittikal Fund (PCIF) during the offer period which ended Dec 10.
Chief executive officer Yeoh Kim Hong said the company had increased the fund size to five billion units to cater to the overwhelming demand for PCIF.
“The fund received good response as this is the first China Islamic fund in the country that offers investors the opportunity to ride on the solid growth prospects of the greater China region,” Yeoh said in a statement.
Yeoh said PCIF would invest a minimum of 70% of its net asset value (NAV) in the greater China region namely in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan stocks.
In an earlier statement, Public Mutual said it had increased the size of Public South-East Asia Select Fund (PSEASF) to five billion units from 1.5 billion units due to strong demand from investors.
PSEASF is an equity fund that seeks to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term by investing in a portfolio of investments in Asean markets. – Bernama
Labels: News, Public Mutual
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Industri saham amanah mampu tarik pelabur asing
KUALA LUMPUR 13 Dis. – Industri saham amanah tempatan mempunyai potensi untuk berkembang dan menarik pelaburan asing, kerana menawarkan kadar pulangan yang tinggi berbanding ekuiti dana global.
Presiden Persekutuan Pengurus Saham Amanah Malaysia (FMUTM), Tunku Datuk Ya’acob Abdullah berkata, walaupun ramai yang tertarik untuk melabur di luar negara tetapi melabur di Malaysia juga tidak kurang hebatnya.
``Malah dalam banyak kes, kita telah menandingi dana asing dari segi kadar pulangan setahun,’’ katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas menyampaikan ucapan pada Persidangan Tahunan Perunding Saham Amanah di sini, hari ini.
Beliau berkata, kadar pulangan dana ekuiti Malaysia untuk setahun adalah tinggi sebanyak 34 peratus begitu juga dengan ekuiti dana Islam sebanyak 33 peratus, berbanding ekuiti dana global hanya menawarkan 12 peratus dan dana ekuiti Asia Pasifik tidak termasuk Jepun pula hanya sebanyak 31 peratus.
Katanya, pertumbuhan industri saham amanah di Malaysia dijangka kekal kukuh pada tahun depan.
Tambahnya, sehingga 30 September lepas, jumlah aset dalam industri saham amanah tempatan mencecah RM155 bilion mewakili 15 peratus daripada keseluruhan pasaran modal Bursa Malaysia.
Kejayaan industri ini juga membayangkan pertambahan jumlah perunding saham amanah tempatan kepada 53,000 orang pada tahun ini berbanding 21,000 orang pada tahun 2005, ujarnya.
Labels: News
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Suatu hari, seorang Professor yang sedang membuat kajian tentang lautan dan menumpang sebuah sampan.Pendayung sampan itu seorang tua yang begitu pendiam. Professor memang mencari pendayung sampan yang pendiam agar tidak banyak bertanya ketika dia sedang membuat kajian.
Dengan begitu tekun Professor itu membuat kajian.Diambilnya sedikit air laut dengan tabung uji kemudian digoyang-goyang; selepas itu dia menulis sesuatu di dalam buku. Berjam-jam lamanya Professor itu membuat kajian dengan tekun sekali. Pendayung sampan itu mendongak ke langit.
Berdasarkan pengalamannya dia berkata di dalam hati, "Hmm. Hari nak hujan."
"OK, semua sudah siap, mari kita balik ke darat" kata Professor itu. Pendayung sampan itu akur dan mula memusingkan sampannya ke arah pantai.
Hanya dalam perjalanan pulang itu barulah Professor itu menegur pendayung sampan.
"Kamu dah lama kerja mendayung sampan?" Tanya Professor itu.
"Hampir semur hidup saya." Jawab pendayung sampan itu dgn ringkas.
"Seumur hidup kamu?" Tanya Professor itu lagi. "Ya".
"Jadi kamu tak tahu perkara-perkara lain selain dari mendayung sampan?" Tanya Professor itu.
Pendayung sampan itu hanya menggelengkan kepalanya. Masih tidak berpuas hati, Professor itu bertanya lagi,
"Kamu tahu geografi?" Pendayung sampan itu menggelengkan kepala.
"Kalau macam ni, kamu dah kehilangan 25 peratus dari usia kamu."
Kata Professor itu lagi, "Kamu tahu biologi?"
Pendayung sampan itu menggelengkan kepala.
"Kasihan.Kamu dah kehilangan 50 peratus usia kamu. Kamu tahu fizik?" Professor itu
masih lagi bertanya.Seperti tadi, pendayung sampan itu hanya menggelengkan kepala.
"Kalau begini, kasihan, kamu sudah kehilangan 75 peratus dari usia kamu.Malang sungguh nasib kamu, semuanya tak tahu.Seluruh usia kamu dihabiskan sebagai pendayung sampan." Kata Professor itu dengan nada mengejek dan angkuh. Pendayung sampan itu hanya berdiam diri.
Selang beberapa minit kemudian, tiba-tiba hujan turun.Tiba-tiba saja datang ombak besar. Sampan itu dilambung ombak besar dan terbalik. Professor dan pendayung sampan terpelanting.Sempat pula pendayung sampan itu bertanya,
"Kamu tahu berenang?"
Professor itu menggelengkan kepala.
"Kalau macam ini, kamu dah kehilangan 100 peratus nyawa kamu." Kata pendayung sampan itu sambil berenang menuju ke pantai.
Morale of the Story:
Dalam hidup ini IQ yang tinggi belum tentu boleh menjamin kehidupan. Tak guna kita pandai dan tahu banyak perkara jika tak tahu perkara-perkara penting dalam hidup. Adakalanya orang yang kita sangka bodoh itu rupanya lebih berjaya dari kita. Dia mungkin bodoh dalam bidang yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan kerjayanya, tetapi "MASTER" dalam bidang yang diceburi.
Hidup ini singkat. Jadi, tanyalah pada diri sendiri,untuk apakah ilmu yg dikumpulkan jika bukan utk digunakan dan boleh digunakan?
Hikmat Inspirasi:
Kepuasan itu terletak pada usaha bukannya pada pencapaian. Usaha sempurna adalah kemenangan...
Labels: Motivation
Thursday, December 6, 2007
David Copperfield's flying illusion
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
David Copperfield performs a flying levitation created by John Gaughan that is considered by both magicians and laymen to be the world's finest.[citation needed] After his acrobatic flight around the stage, the audience suspects he may be suspended on wires, so Copperfield has spinning hoops passed over him to disprove this. He then floats inside a covered acrylic glass box to convince them otherwise. He selects a female volunteer from his audience and flies with her in a fashion similar to Superman carrying Lois Lane. The illusion sometimes ends with a falcon named "Icarus" grasping Copperfield by the wrist and flying off stage with him.
The performance is accompanied by an orchestration called "East of Eden Suite" by film composer Lee Holdridge, originally written as the theme music for the 1981 miniseries East of Eden.
David Copperfield is supported by a pair of arrays of many fine wires that remain invisible to the audience when viewed against the light blue background. The wires are less than 1mm thick, but they can support 100kg each. The wire arrays are mounted at the hips, conveniently near the human center of mass, to a harness worn under the clothing. This creates a balance point that allows Copperfield a wide range of natural movement while suspended. The wires are attached to a computer-controlled rig above the stage that ensures each wire is taut, and keeps each fan of wires "in a plane substantially perpendicular to the viewing direction of the audience so as to maintain the integrity of the illusion." During the hoop demonstration, two hoops are used simultaneously, and the way they are moved in unison creates an optical illusion that he has fully passed through each hoop, when he has not actually passed through either of them. In the glass box demonstration, the top of the box is threaded between the two sets of wires in a vertical position, before being rotated ninety degrees and lowered into place. The wires remain in place while Copperfield is in the glass box, passing through crevices between the lid and the sides. Since the wires are trapped in a single position while he is in the box, he is only able to rotate on one axis, so he stays side on to the front of the audience throughout this part of the performance. When he flies with the girl, he holds her in front of him, and she does not come into contact with the wires.
p/s: ingatkan jin yg tolong dia terbang..
Labels: Macam-macam
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Based on Bestselling Book by Dale Carnegie (First Published in 1936).
Fundamental Techniques in Handling People:
1. Don't criticize, condemn or complain.
2. Give honest and sincere appreciation.
3. Arouse in the other person an eager want.
Six Ways To Make People Like You:
1. Become genuinely interested in other people.
2. Smile.
3. Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
5. Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
6. Make the other person feel important - and do it sincerely.
Win People To Your Way Of Thinking: 1. The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
2. Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say, "You're wrong."
3. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
4. Begin in a friendly way.
5. Get the other person saying "yes, yes" immediately.
6. Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.
7. Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.
8. Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view.
9. Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires.
10. Appeal to the nobler motives.
11. Dramatize your ideas.
12. Throw down a challenge.
Be a Leader: How To Change People Without Giving Offense Or Arousing Resentment
A leader's job often includes changing your people's attitudes and behavior. Some suggestions to accomplish this:
1. Begin with praise and honest appreciation.
2. Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly.
3. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.
4. Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.
5. Let the other person save face.
6. Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be "hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise."
7. Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.
8. Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct.
9. Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.
Labels: Motivation
Lower unit trust sales charges
PETALING JAYA: Effective next month, sales charges for investment in unit trusts by Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contributors are expected to be slashed to not more than 3% from 5% to 6% now.A source told StarBiz that the move was expected as the current charges were relatively high compared with other countries, and for the industry to be globally competitive, the upfront sales charges should come down.
This would also reduce the cost of investment and improve returns as the current sales charges were eating into unit trust returns, he said, adding that the move, over time, would lower the overall sales charges in the industry. Pacific Mutual Fund Bhd chief executive officer and chief investment officer Michael Auyeung said the move was a positive development for the industry.
Lowering sales charges would provide investors a quicker path to garnering returns on their investment, and might encourage many to make regular withdrawals.
“Distributors who earnestly assess what the EPF is trying to do for its contributors will eventually see that this move will benefit everyone,” Auyeung said. From the perspective of unit trust management companies, most players would welcome the lowering of any hurdle that helped change investors' mindsets and allowed them to realise that unit trusts were an extremely viable investment and pension planning instrument, he said.
Furthermore, he said, the excuse that high upfront fees were keeping pensioned investors away had been partly overcome. Auyeung said when news emerged that EPF investors were losing money in unit trusts, Pacific Mutual conducted an in-depth study of its own investor base. “Total gains made by our investors between 2003 and 2005 were RM41.32mil while losses amounted to RM65,000. Most of the losses were incurred by recent investors who had yet to recover the fees they paid upfront,” he noted.
An industry player said: “Those unit trust management companies that rely heavily on agents would in the short term see a negative impact on their businesses.
“This is because the agents' customers mainly comprise EPF contributors. The lowering of sales charges would affect the agents' commissions which, in turn, would affect the companies' businesses in the short term.''
Labels: News
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Jutawan taksub burung
Oleh Mohd Jamilul Anbia Md Denin
KUALA LUMPUR: Taksub dengan kepercayaan karut kononnya boleh membawa tuah, seorang jutawan tempatan sanggup menyeludup masuk 20 burung cenderawasih atau lebih dikenali sebagai ‘burung syurga’ untuk dipelihara di banglonya di Kajang, dekat sini.
Jutawan berusia 40-an terbabit yang kerap berurusan di Indonesia membeli burung yang dilindungi itu dari kepulauan Papua New Guinea dan harga pasarannya mencecah RM20 juta.
Difahamkan, jutawan itu membina sangkar khas selain jaring persis Taman Burung Kuala Lumpur untuk menempatkan semua burung itu yang hanya boleh ditemui di kepulauan berkenaan.
Tindakan jutawan terbabit yang menyalahi Akta Perlindungan Hidupan Liar 1972/76 bagaimanapun dihidu pegawai penguat kuasa Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara (Perhilitan) yang melakukan intipan sejak seminggu lalu.
Timbalan Pengarah Perhilitan, Celescoriano Razond, berkata selepas yakin jutawan itu cuba menyembunyikan sesuatu, sepasukan lebih 10 pegawai penguat kuasa menyerbu rumah mewahnya kira-kira jam 11 pagi, baru-baru ini.
Menurutnya, pegawai Perhilitan bagaimanapun terpaksa menunggu lebih lima jam berikutan pembantu rumah jutawan terbabit mendakwa majikannya tiada di rumah.
“Selepas puas menunggu, akhirnya isteri jutawan terbabit membenarkan pegawai penguat kuasa Perhilitan masuk. Bagaimanapun, suami wanita terbabit tidak berada di rumah dengan alasan mempunyai urusan perniagaan di Korea.
“Hasil pemeriksaan, kami menemui empat sangkar besar dan tiga sangkar kecil yang mengandungi lebih 100 spesis burung yang dilindungi,” katanya kepada Harian Metro.
Menurutnya, jutawan terbabit turut memasang jaring besar yang menutupi kawasan itu sama seperti Taman Burung Kuala Lumpur dengan menggunakan kren.
“Lebih mengejutkan, jutawan terbabit memelihara 20 burung cenderawasih yang amat sukar ditemui.
“Semua burung itu dipercayai diseludup masuk dari kepulauan Papua New Guinea. Bagaimanapun, jutawan terbabit mendakwa membelinya daripada orang tengah,” katanya.
Katanya, penemuan burung cenderawasih hidup itu dianggap kejayaan terbesar berikutan sebelum ini, Perhilitan hanya pernah merampas burung cenderawasih yang diawet.
“Jika harga burung cenderawasih yang diawet boleh mencecah ratusan ribu ringgit, pasti burung yang masih hidup bernilai puluhan kali ganda.
“Selain burung cenderawasih, jutawan terbabit dikesan memelihara pelbagai spesies burung seperti bayan, enggang, palm cockatoo, scarlet macaw dan dusky lory,” katanya.
Razond berkata, walaupun jutawan terbabit memberi alasan ingin menggunakan semua burung itu bagi membina taman burung atau zoo mini untuk orang ramai, Perhilitan mengesyaki ia mempunyai motif lain.
Ditanya mengenai kaedah menyeludup burung cenderawasih hidup, dia berkata berdasarkan siasatan, penyeludup menggunakan silinder khas untuk menyumbat burung itu ke dalamnya selepas mulutnya diikat.
“Silinder berisi burung itu dimasukkan dalam beg sebelum diseludup ke negara ini sama ada melalui jalan laut atau udara,” katanya.
Menurutnya, ramai masyarakat percaya burung cenderawasih hanya menetap di awan hingga menyebabkan ia diburu peminat barangan ganjil serta pengumpul barangan purba kerana nilai seni serta komersialnya yang cukup tinggi.
“Bagaimanapun, bagi pengamal perubatan Indonesia, burung cenderawasih tiada sebarang keistimewaan luar biasa dan hanya dipandang tinggi segelintir rakyat Malaysia,” katanya.
Difahamkan, tindakan sama pernah diambil Perhilitan terhadap seorang kenamaan bergelar Datuk kerana memelihara hampir 20 burung cenderawasih di pejabatnya di Petaling Jaya, dua tahun lalu.
Kenamaan terbabit didapati tidak mempunyai permit untuk memelihara burung dilindungi itu menyebabkan semua burung miliknya dirampas.
Sementara itu, seorang ahli perniagaan berusia 70 tahun turut disoal siasat pada 8 Oktober lalu berikutan dikesan memelihara lebih 10 burung dilindungi di rumahnya di Damansara.
Dalam operasi jam 1 tengah hari itu, pegawai penguat kuasa Perhilitan menjalankan pemeriksaan mengejut sebelum menemui dua sangkar besar di belakang rumahnya yang mengandungi hampir 20 burung dilindungi.
Antara burung yang dirampas bernilai lebih RM300,000 itu adalah spesis kuang raya, punai tanah, murai gajah, pikau dan ruak-ruak.
Lelaki terbabit boleh didakwa mengikut Seksyen 68, Seksyen 64 dan Seksyen 66 Akta Perlindungan Hidupan Liar 1972/76 yang membawa hukuman denda antara RM3,000 hingga RM10,000 atau penjara sehingga tempoh 10 tahun.
Labels: Macam-macam
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Mempunyai sebab untuk berjaya
Kadang-kadang disebabkan sesuatu perkara, kita berjaya mencapai suatu perkara yang lain. Dan biasanya kerana ada sebab musabab tertentu, seseorang itu mencapai kejayaan.
Kita biasa terdengar orang bertanya kepada seseorang yang telah berjaya, "Apakah rahsia kejayaan anda?' Selalunya jawapan yang kita dapati adalah jawapan yang manis-manis belaka. Persoalannya, adakah jawapan itu yang sebenarnya ia menjurus kepada kejayaan mereka.
Saya mempunyai ramai kenalan yang telah berjaya. Salah seorangnya, bermula dari hidup yang terdesak, hutang keliling pinggang, permintaan kehidupan yang tinggi dan anak-anak yang ramai. Tetapi kesemua kesukaran ini ditukarkan kepada kesenangan. Kesusahan yang dihadapinya dijadikan cabaran untuknya. Dia bekerja keras. Membuat pelbagai pekerjaan untuk menyara hidup keluarganya, membayar hutang-hutang dan yang penting dia menabung sebahagian kecil pendapatannya. Dia juga cuba membuat perniagaan kecil-kecilan. Baginya perniagaan yang mudah sekali ialah MLM. Dia mencuba berbagai-bagai syarikat MLM, namun satu pun tak menjadi. Akhirnya dia memilih sebuah syarikat MLM yang kecil tetapi berlatar belakang yang stabil. Dan kini telah hampir 8 tahun bersama syarikat itu. Pendapatannya tidaklah banyak katanya. Tetapi dengan pendapatan itulah dia menyara keluarganya, membeli kereta baru, membayar ansuran rumah, melangsaikan hutang-hutangnya bahkan dia dapat menyimpan sebahagian besarnya gaji pekerjaan tetap untuk hari-hari tuanya.
Bagi saya, dia memang seorang yang berjaya. Berjaya mengubah nasib hidupnya yang melarat menjadi seorang yang 'senang', bahkah jauh lebih senang dari orang kebanyakan.
Berbalik kepada pokok tulisan saya ini, adalah penting kita mempunyai sebab untuk berjaya, tetapi tidak perlulah membiarkan hidup kita menjadi susah melarat baru hendak berusaha untuk berjaya.
Kita boleh mencari sebab musabab yang lain untuk berjaya. Dan pastikan ia menjadi pendorong yang begitu kuat untuk menjadi kita berjaya.
#dipetik dari zaihar
Labels: Motivation
Sunday, October 28, 2007
KLCI hits its best-ever level
KLCI hits its best-ever level (STAR 29-10-2007)
Index poised to move into uncharted territory
Stock Market Signals: A weekly column on Bursa Malaysia's performance and outlook by G.M. Teoh
THE Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) rallied and established fresh historic highs in late trading after an aggressive rebound from an earlier sell-off on Monday. It closed at its best-ever level.
The sudden turnaround in sentiment is attributed to expectation of another round of interest rate cut by the US Federal Reserve, record performance in the Hang Seng Index and most of the Asian exchanges, and recovery in the Dow Jones Industrial Index.
Crude oil prices that hiked to a record US$92.22 per barrel last Friday and renewed tension in the Middle East had no negative impact on the market last week.
At this juncture, traders are not too sure whether record crude oil prices would bring on worldwide inflation, topple the consumers, topple the economy and deal the death blow to stock markets worldwide.
Last week, the KLCI rebounded from an intra-week low of 1,339.36 points and rallied in late trading on Friday to close the week with minor gains at 1,398.35 points, up 28.18 points or 2.06% from the previous week.
Most of the main index-linked stocks ended the week with impressive gains and lifted the KLCI to fresh historic highs.
Maybank, IOI Corp, Public Bank, MISC, Genting, Digi.Com, Plus Expressways, KL Kepong, RHB Capital and MMC Corp all close with minor advances and contributed a combined 21.52 points to the index.
Bumiputra-Commerce and Tenaga Nasional ended up in the minus column and took away a combined 2.10 points from the index. Petronas Gas closed unchanged.
Weekly volume on the KLCI improved to 897.73 from 729.92 million shares the previous week. Daily average volume dipped to 179.55 million shares from 182.40 million shares previously.
The weekly candlestick chart ended the week constructive and called for the resumption of the upward momentum. A big white bullish candle occurred on Friday. This is generally considered a bullish pattern as prices closed significantly higher than they opened. The appearance of such a candle during a breakout above historic highs adds credibility to the upward breakout.
During the June-July period, the KLCI made numerous failed attempts to vault the strong psychological barrier at 1,400.00 points. With the chart outlook now constructive following Friday’s rally, the prospect of the index pushing above this chart hurdle is good this week.
Chart support for this week is adjusted higher to the 1,380.00-1,375.00 level. The current positive setting would fizzle if this level is violated.
A successful lift above 1,400.00 would take values higher to test its next chart resistance at the 1,422.00-1,430.00 level.
The daily technical indicators ended the week positive and signalled that the newly developed upward momentum could expand.
The daily stochastic triggered the short-term buy signal on Oct 24 and remained positive on Friday’s close. The oscillators per cent K and D ended the week sharply higher at 82.49% and 59.27% respectively.
The daily Money Flow Index (MFI) rose from the week’s low of 21.31 points on Oct 17 and finished sharply higher in the overbought zones at 83.13 points. Analysis of the MFI indicates that strong accumulation occurred last week.
The main trend-tracker 3- and 7-week exponentially smoothed moving average price lines (ESA lines) remained in bullish divergence and showed that the mains trend was still bullish.
Meanwhile, the short-term trend tracker 3- and 7-day ESA lines gave the buy signal on Oct 25 and remained constructive on Friday’s close. The 5-day RSI advanced from an oversold position and ended the week sharply higher at 77.29 points and signalled that things were slightly toppish
Labels: News
Monday, October 22, 2007
KWSP perkenal simpanan asas setiap pencarum Februari 2008
KUALA LUMPUR 22 Okt. – Mulai 1 Februari tahun depan, 11.4 juta pencarum Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) perlu mempunyai simpanan asas yang ditentukan mengikut umur masing-masing.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif KWSP, Datuk Azlan Zainol berkata, simpanan asas tersebut merupakan jumlah simpanan yang terdapat di dalam Akaun 1 setiap pencarum.
Beliau berkata, tujuan konsep itu diperkenalkan bagi membolehkan pencarum mempunyai simpanan minimum RM120,000 sebaik sahaja mereka mencapai umur persaraan 55 tahun.
‘‘Berdasarkan jangkaan, jumlah ini dapat menampung bayaran bulanan kepada pencarum sebanyak RM500 bagi tempoh 20 tahun iaitu bermula dari usia bersara pencarum hingga umur mereka mencecah 75 tahun.
‘‘Selain itu penetapan simpanan asas ini juga akan dijadikan panduan kepada kita untuk memastikan simpanan KWSP tidak boleh dikeluarkan sehingga pencarum berusia 55 tahun kecuali untuk tujuan tertentu,’’ katanya
Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang akhbar bagi mengumumkan pelaksanaan inisiatif strategik yang berkonsepkan ‘bukan hanya simpanan’ dalam usaha meningkatkan simpanan pencarum.
Pelaksanaan simpanan asas bagi setiap pencarum itu merupakan salah satu perkara yang terkandung di dalam inisiatif tersebut.
Bagaimanapun semua skim pengeluaran KWSP yang ada sekarang termasuk pembiayaan perumahan, pendidikan dan penyakit kritikal tidak berubah dengan pelaksanaan inisiatif strategik itu.
Azlan berkata, semua pengeluaran akan bergantung kepada jumlah simpanan asas yang telah ditetapkan mengikut umur pencarum.
‘‘Bagi yang berumur 25 tahun, simpanan asasnya adalah sebanyak RM9,000, umur 30 tahun (RM18,000), umur 35 tahun (RM29,000) dan umur 40 tahun (RM44,000).
‘‘Bagi mereka yang berumur 45 tahun, simpanan asasnya ialah (RM64,000), umur 50 tahun (RM90,000) dan umur 55 tahun (RM120,000),’’ jelasnya sambil menambah kuantum simpanan asas akan dikaji setiap lima tahun.
Sehubungan itu beliau berkata, mereka yang mempunyai lebihan daripada simpanan asas masing-masing sahaja dibenarkan mengeluarkan caruman mereka untuk tujuan pelaburan.
‘‘Sebagai contoh seorang pencarum berusia 25 tahun dan jumlah simpanan asasnya adalah lebih RM9,000, katakanlah RM12,000. Lebihan RM3,000 itu boleh dikeluarkan untuk dilaburkan dalam produk dan institusi yang diluluskan.
‘‘Berbanding skim pelaburan sedia ada sebenarnya konsep yang diperkenalkan ini menggalakkan pencarum melabur pada usia muda,’’ ujarnya.
Dalam pada itu beliau berkata, penetapan simpanan asas juga akan digunakan untuk menentukan sama ada pencarum layak mengeluarkan simpanan pada usia 50 tahun atau sebaliknya.
Beliau berkata, perubahan mengeluarkan simpanan pada usia 50 tahun itu akan dilaksanakan sepenuhnya pada 1 Januari 2013.
‘‘Mulai tahun tersebut hanya ahli yang mempunyai simpanan asas lebih RM90,000 dalam Akaun 1 sahaja dibenarkan mengeluarkan semua simpanan dalam Akaun 2.
‘‘Berbanding sekarang, ahli boleh mengeluarkan satu pertiga simpanan dari Akaun 2 sebaik sahaja mereka mencapai umur 50 tahun tanpa mengira jumlah keseluruhan wang yang terdapat dalam akaun KWSP masing-masing,’’ katanya.
Labels: News
Asian Markets Fall - 22/10/2007
Market down...good time to top up investment...can get more units
22-10-2007: Asian markets fall in volatile trade
KUALA LUMPUR: Asian markets including Bursa Malaysia fell in the morning session on Oct 22, with South Korea among the worst hit, in volatile trade as investors’ sentiment was hurt by the weak Wall Street last Friday. At 12.30pm, the KLCI was down 25.08 points or 1.83% to 1,345.09, but off the early low of 1,339. The FBMEmas lost 187.59 points to 9,060.08 and the Second Board Index lost 1.7 points to 106.48. The KLCI futures fell 37 points to 1,320.5. Asian markets fell with South Korea’s Kospi down 3.18% or 62.61 point to 1,907.49. Japan’s Nikkei 225 down 2.58% to 16,380.63 and Singapore’s Straits Times Index lost 2.14% to 3,667.66. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index lost 2.53% to 28,720.83 and Shanghai’s A Share Index fell 0.37% to 6,084.39.
Turnover was 1.03 billion shares valued at RM887.54 million. Losers hammered gainers 791 to 71 while 105 counters were unchanged.
Light crude oil was off its record high of US$90 and it was trading at US$87.62 per barrel for November delivery .The ringgit was quoted at RM3.374 to US$1.
Analysts said the correction in the US markets was long overdue and they expected the markets would continue to be volatile.
Among the heavyweights, Maybank fell 30 sen to RM11.20, Tenaga 20 sen lower to RM9.15 and Telekom 10 sen lower to RM10.10. Bursa fell 60 sen to RM13.20 while Kossan gave up most of its gains from last Friday, down 58 sen to RM4.22.
Crude palm oil futures fell RM45 to RM2,815 per tonne for November delivery and lost RM54 to RM2,711 per tonne for January. KL Kepong fell 40 sen to RM13.90, IOI Corp 35 sen to RM6.30. Parkson fell 35 sen to RM7.20 while Naim, UMW and Public Bank foreign fell 30 sen each to RM5.64, RM14 and RM10.90 respectively. DiGi rose 20 sen to RM23.20 after delivering a strong set of results. RHB Cap, VADS and Gamuda added 20 sen each to RM6, RM5.70 and RM9.20 respectively.
Call warrants of Hong Kong listed stocks rose in very active trade. CHCBC-C1 rose nine sen to 19 sen. It was the most active with 68.7 million shares done.
Financially-distressed Megan Media rose 5.5 sen to 16 sen and the warrants 7.5 sen to 13 sen in very active trade.
Labels: News
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Who want to be a millionaire
Dalam suasana aidilfitri nie saya berjumpa ramai kawan2 lama untuk saling bermaafan dan menziarahi.. mereka banyak berceritakan soal kerja, kereta, kawin lagi dan gosip2panas.. tapi apa yang menarik perhatian saya adalah cerita ataupun impian mereka tentang rumah besar, kereta besar, duit besar tapi bini jer yang nak solid..
oleh itu saya hanya bertanyakan kepada mereka 2 soalan iaitu:
1 - mahukah anda mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya RM1,000,000 (sejuta) dalam akaun anda pada suatu hari nanti dengan hanya menyimpan sebulan RM100??
2 - adakah anda ingin tahu bagaimana??
sekiranya kedua-dua jawapan untuk soalan diatas adalah YA, anda bersedia menjadi jutawan.. untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut boleh email/ym saya..
Labels: Public Mutual, Unit trust info
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
ASEAN growth potential
The South-East Asian region has forged ahead to grow at a robust pace in recent years. With a combined population base of 573 million people, the region’s economies have vast growth prospects given their strong manufacturing base, growing savings rates, favourable demographics and large consumer market. In addition, the South-East Asian region is strategically located between the emerging giants of China and India.
Grouped together under the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) comprising Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Brunei and Cambodia, ASEAN is among the fastest growing regions in the world with nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth averaging 9% annually since 2000. In per capita GDP terms, ASEAN residents have enjoyed a nominal growth of 6.8% per annum over the past six years, exceeding the average global per capita GDP growth of 5.4% per annum over the same period.
Factors contributing to ASEAN’s economic growth
There are several factors contributing to the success of ASEAN economies.
First, these economies have benefited from significant investments from Japanese, European and American multinational corporations in the past 25 years. As a result, the ASEAN economies have developed into globally competitive manufacturers of electronics, machinery, chemical, textiles and clothing products.
Second, exports, which account for 63% of the region’s combined GDP in 2006, have been a major source of growth for the ASEAN economies. Singapore and Malaysia are among the most export-driven economies with exports contributing 206% and 125% to their GDPs respectively. ASEAN’s export prowess is attributable to the relatively low cost of labour, competitive currencies and high skills base which have enabled ASEAN exporters to move up the value-added chain in manufacturing.
Third, ASEAN nations have benefited from increased trading activities with China. Total trade between the six largest ASEAN nations and China rose sharply from 5.2% of GDP in 2000 to 14.5% of GDP in 2006. The Chinese market has also overtaken the U.S. market as the final destination for Asia’s electronics exports in recent years. Lastly, thanks to high household savings, ASEAN economies enjoy high national savings rates with the savings to GDP ratio ranging from 26.6% to 46.2%.
Growth prospects for ASEAN
The total value of ASEAN’s GDP is estimated at US$1 trillion and accounts for about 11% of the Far-East region’s aggregate nominal GDP in 2006. This is a commendable achievement given the large contributions from the region’s economic giants of China, Japan, Taiwan and Korea.
ASEAN has excellent opportunities for further economic growth given the relatively low base of the region’s per capita income, favourable demographics and large and growing population, which exceeds a quarter of the Far-East region’s combined population. In addition, the relatively low ratio of domestic demand to GDP coupled with high savings rates suggests that consumer spending in ASEAN is poised to grow rapidly in tandem with high disposable incomes and robust economic growth in the years ahead. GDP growth for ASEAN economies is expected to range from 4.5% to 8.4% in 2007/2008.
Propelled by a booming property market and construction of two key integrated resorts, the region’s most developed economy Singapore is expected to enjoy resilient GDP growth of about 6% in 2007/2008. Across the causeway, Malaysia’s GDP growth is projected to sustain at 5.8% to 6.0% in 2007/2008 on the back of fiscal stimulus from the 9th Malaysian Plan and robust consumer spending. Indonesia’s projected growth of 5.6% to 6% in 2007/2008 is expected to be supported by increased public and private expenditures in an environment of declining interest rates. Resilient domestic demand will help the Thai economy to grow at 4.5% to 4.8% in 2007/2008. Driven by stronger industrial expansion, buoyant consumer spending and investment, Vietnam's GDP growth is set to expand at above 8% in 2007/2008.
ASEAN currencies are underpinned by strong trade surpluses, manageable inflationary pressures and sustained economic growth. The Thai baht has outperformed its South-East Asian peers with a year-to-date gain of 9.9% against the U.S. dollar. Other ASEAN currencies such as the Singapore dollar are supported by stable inflationary pressures and resilient economic growth.
Outlook for ASEAN stockmarkets
In the past four years, ASEAN equity markets have trended up following a rebound in global economic growth and the end of the SARS epidemic in 2003. From 2004 to 31 August 2007, the Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines markets registered superb total returns of 447%, 217.2% and 133.3% respectively. The Indonesian and Vietnam stockmarkets have continued to outperform this year with returns of about 21% respectively up to 31 August 2007.
Supported by reasonable valuations, stable or declining interest rates and sustained earnings growth amidst an environment of high domestic liquidity, the ASEAN markets offer attractive returns for medium-to long-term investors.
Labels: News
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Your job
Success - "knowing the right people," "being in the right place at the right time," and "using the right tools" - Anthony Robbins
Your career is not everything; your life is. But then, what is life without a career or a career without a life?
1. You are always on your own. Even if you work for a big company, you will always be on your own. Companies aren't people. They're things and they don't have feelings. If you are expecting the company to "take care of you or "do the right thing", you'll be often disappointed. There are no strong bonds in a company. No one cares more about your career than you do. Remember that, and don't expect the company to take care of you.
2. Certain jobs fit certain people best. You do have special gifts that fit you for some, disqualify you for others. Take time to assess your skills, temperament and aptitude in depth.
3. Careers are short-term. Your present job can end anytime, even if you own the company! Therefore, think short term. Don't take your present career for granted. Someone once described a consultant as a person who wakes up every morning unemployed. You should feel the same way. Wake up every morning feeling unemployed so that you'll appreciate your present job more and figure out what you're going to do next. Always have a "Plan B." (No kidding!!)
4. It's more important to be a "people person" than an "achievement-oriented person who always win at the cost of others. People skills are more important than technical skills. Even in technical jobs, you have to deal with someone. The average performer who are easier to get along with last longer in his job.
5. What you accomplish today will be your calling card tomorrow. Your accomplishments will determine your marketability. In marketing yourself, it's the results that count. A soccer forward who scores in every game is easier to market than one who doesn't. So make sure you're contributing something substantial and measurable every day. And make sure you keep a written record of your results, in case you forget!
6. If you lose your job, 80% of your marketing for a new position is already done. That's right. Your reputation, results, accomplishments, people skills, contributions, friendships are all a matter of record. If you've been a contributor, if you've been kind to others and easy-to-work-with, you'll be in better demand. If not, you won't. Nobody can create friendship for you if you haven't created it for yourself.
7. Changing fields, industries, and functional specialties is difficult. The more difficult it is, the bigger the change will be. Therefore, choose your career path carefully. As management expert Peter Drucker says, "The best way to predict the future is to plan it."
8. If you're fired or laid off, don't sue your former employer. Ask yourself why you didn't see it coming; or if you did see it coming. Ask yourself why you didn't do something about it. Figure out your part in causing the problem. Then set about creating a new, better life for yourself. There is a better life in your future.
9. Don't stay in a job you hate. Hating your job can kill you.
10. Success is difficult. If success were easy, everyone would be successful.
11. There's a special place for everyone. You can create the kind of future you want.
12. The workplace is fun and challenging. It can also be cruel and heartless. It rewards effort and planning, but tends to punish indifference and lack of preparation. Those who don't manage their careers, who just let things happen - often end up in painful, dead-end jobs and lifestyles.
13. You are in full control of your own future. No one can deny you a happy life if you decide to plan it and work for it. No one can stop you from becoming successful, but yourself.
14. It's never too late for a new beginning.
15. Align yourself with winners. Hang around with winners. Success really does rub off from others. "If you keep doing what you have always been doing, you're going to get what you've always gotten"
Labels: Motivation
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Confidence returns to most markets
Wednesday October 3, 2007 (STAR)
PETALING JAYA: Investor confidence appears to have returned in most stock markets after the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a record 14,088 points on Monday.
This is following suggestions from former US Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan and Citigroup Inc that the credit slump might be coming to an end.
The Hong Kong and Singapore bourses continued to reach all-time highs yesterday, with the Hang Seng Index closing up a whopping 3.9% to 28,200 points and the Straits Times Index jumping more than 1% to 3,794 points.
The KL Composite Index (KLCI), meanwhile, rose for the fifth consecutive trading day, surging 21.7 points, or 1.6%, to 1,368.7 points while the second board index gained 0.34-point to 106.28.
Market breadth was healthy, as gainers outnumbered losers 605 to 253 while 284 counters were unchanged. About 1.6 billion shares valued at some RM2.9bil changed hands.
Buying was selective and based on themes like oil and gas, plantation, construction and property-based companies.
Among the top gainers were IOI Properties Bhd and Malaysian Airline System Bhd, which jumped RM1 and 75 sen to RM13.90 and RM5.30 respectively.
MIMB Investment Bank head of equity research Pong Teng Siew said liquidity had returned to the market although not broadly, thanks to buying by the local funds.
Meanwhile, he said, markets in Brazil, India and China continued to attract the interest of foreign funds.
“Asia has little exposure to the US sub-prime mortgage market and still has great growth stories,” he said, noting that credit growth remained strong in Asian countries. He said their monetary systems were insulated from the US' credit woes compared with European banks, which had a greater degree of exposure.
Pong is optimistic that the KLCI looked set to breach a new high of more than 1,400 points by year-end.
Nonetheless, investors should exercise caution towards year-end, as fund managers were unlikely to maintain the buying momentum for long, he said.
“Fund managers may take a break and not be overly aggressive as it would make their job of outperforming in the following year more difficult,'' he added.
OSK Investment Bank head of research Kenny Yee said sentiment had definitely improved despite indications of lower earnings from international investment banks.
“Things are more visible and out in the open. The element of uncertainty has been lifted,” he said, adding that investors had already factored in the losses.
“There are no more surprises. As long the US economy does not fall into a recession, the situation is anticipated to remain stable,” Yee said.
TA Securities head of research Kaladher Govindan concurred, saying that market perception had changed as investors were now relieved that the sub-prime issue was not going to delay economic growth in the US.
“They can see the magnitude of the problem and expect a recovery soon,” he said, adding that it was only a matter of time that the KLCI would reach a new high like other regional bourses.
TA, he said, was maintaining its 12-month target of 1,520 points.
Labels: News
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Gandakan Pendapatan Anda 1000%
Cuba bayangkan... sekiranya anda boleh mempunyai pendapatan 10 x ganda dari pendapatan anda sekarang. Andainya anda mempunyai pendapatan RM3o,000 setahun, bayangkan seketika yg anda boleh mencapai pendapatan RM300,000 setahun. Wow!! kenaikan sebanyak 1000%
Percaya kepada diri anda sendiri:
Reaksi pertama kepada kebanyakan org apabila mendengar kenyataan di atas adalah dia akan memikirkan kenapa ianya mustahil. Seseorang pernah berkata "Kalau kamu tahu berapa pendapatan saya sekarang, kamu tak akan mengajukan soalan itu."
Tiada Alasan:
Mark Twain pernah menulis bahawa ada seribu alasan untuk setiap kegagalan tetapi tak ada satu sebab pun alasan yg baik. Trajedi utk setiap org adalah di dalam pemikirannya telah ada satu halangan yg dia tak berpotensi utk mencapai pendapatan lebih dari apa yg dia perolehi sekarang.
Bolehkan Seorang itu Mencapai Pendapatan 10x Lebih dari Sekarang?
Adakah seorang manager yg menpunyai pendapatan RM300,000 setahun 10x cerdik dari seorang manager yg berpendapatan RM30,000 setahun? 10x lebih berpengalaman? Atau dia bekerja 10x lebih kuat? Sudah tentu TIDAK !! tetapi ada orang yg datang dari berlainan jenis perniagaan mempunyai pendapatan berlipat kali ganda dari orang yg sama umur, pengalaman, & kecerdikan.
IQ Tidak Penting:
Satu kajian di New York membuktikan seseorang yg mempunyai pendapatan tinggi tak semestinya mempunyai IQ yg tinggi. Ada di antara mereka yg IQ tinggi mempunyai pendapatan jauh lebih rendah dari org yg mempunyai IQ rendah dan sebaliknya. Ada perbezaan sehingga 100x ganda.
Apa yg Perlu Anda Lakukan utk Gandakan Pendapatan Anda?
Pertama: Kenal pasti dlm bidang pekerjaan anda org yg mempunyai pendapatan yg tinggi & apakah yg dilakukannya berbeza dari org lain. Tiru cara & gaya mereka.
Kedua: Tetapkan satu perancangan utk menggandakan pendapatan anda dlm jangka masa 2 atau 3 tahun dari sekarang. Kemudian fikirkan apa yg perlu anda lakukan utk mencapai kejayaan itu. Bermula lah dari sekarang kerana setiap saat amat penting. Kerja bertangguh tak akan menjadi...
Labels: Motivation
7 Langkah Utk Berjaya
Disiplinkan diri anda terhadap perkara yg anda rasakan boleh membawa kepada kejayaan dalam hidup anda. Definasi utk "Disiplin" adalah kebolehan anda utk melakukan anda apa yg telah anda rancangkan sama ada secara sukarela atau atas paksaan. Contohnya disiplinkan diri anda untuk membaca buku selama sejam sehari. Jadi sama ada secara sukarela atau terpaksa, anda mesti mencari masa selama sejam utk lakukan aktiviti ini setiap hari.
Memang senang utk mendisiplinkan diri anda terhadap sesuatu yg anda selesa melakukannya. Tetapi untuk berjaya, anda mesti memaksa diri utk keluar dari "comfort zone" & lakukan activity yg menjurus kepada kejayaan & matlamat anda. Contohnya, sekiranya anda seorang salesman, tugas anda adalah utk bertemu dengan customer. Jadi disiplinkan diri anda untuk membuat telephone call, appointment, practice on sales presentation, & sebagainya. Sekiranya goal anda adalah utk close 5 sales seminggu & hit rate adalah 50%, so anda perlulah membuat 15 phone call seminggu, 10 appointment dari phone call tersebut, & close 5 sales. Disiplinkan diri utk lakukan perkara yang sama ini setiap minggu & anda akan kagum dengan resultnya nanti.
Berikut adalah 7 langkah yg anda perlu lakukan utk berjaya:
1. Decide what you want - Fikirkan apa kemahuan anda
Ini adalah step terpenting kerana anda perlu tentukan hala tuju atau goal anda sebelum lakukan tindakan selanjutnya. Ianya mestilah very specific & jangan terlalu general. Contoh, anda mahu pendapatan RM10,000 sebulan
2. Write it down - tuliskan atas kertas
Tanpa anda tuliskan apa kemahuan atau goal anda atas kertas secara detail ianya adalah hanya satu impian kosong .
3. Set a dateline - tentukan tarikh utk mencapai kemahuan anda
Dateline ada "motivating force" utk anda merancang kemahuan anda. Sekiranya goal anda terlalu besar, pecahkan kepada sub dateline.
4. Make a list - tuliskan list activity anda
Tuliskan activity anda yg anda fikirkan perlu utk mencapai matlamat anda.
5. Organise your list - Susun aturkan list anda
Fikirkan apa yg perlu anda lakukan dahulu, kedua, ketiga, & seterusnya. Disiplinkan diri anda utk lakukan seperti yg telah anda tuliskan.
6. Take action - Ambil tindakan
Berpandukan list anda tadi, lakukan sesuatu & sibukkan diri anda utk mencapai matlamat tersebut.
7. Do something everyday - Lakukan sesuatu setiap hari
Setiap individu mempunyai 365 hari setahun, 24 jam sehari. Setiap hari jangan biarkan ianya berlalu tanpa aktiviti yg berfaedah.
Sekiranya anda dapat mendisplinkan diri anda utk lakukan sesuatu yg berfaedah demi mencapai matlamat, anda sendiri akan kagum dengan kejayaan yg anda akan kecapi nanti.
Selamat mencuba...
Labels: Motivation
The Law of Priorities
The very worst use of your time is to do well what need not be done at all. The Pareto Principle says that 20% of your activities will account for 80% of the value of your activities. This means that, if you have a list of ten items to accomplish, two of those items will be worth more than the other eight items altogether.
To achieve great things, you must always be concentrating on the small number of activities that contribute the greatest value to your life and your work.
Determine the Consequences
The value of anything in your order of priorities can be measured by assessing the potential consequences of doing it or not doing it. Something that is important has significant consequences to your life and your career. Something that is unimportant has few or no consequences of significance to your life or career. The mark of the superior thinker is your ability to consider possible consequences before you begin.
Become a high achiever by getting more done in less time
Wouldn't you like to have more success, today? I have figured out a way to help you achieve your daily tasks in less time. With my organization skills, you can really focus on what is important in your daily work. When you separate the urgent from the important, you can plan every day in advance.
Ask the Key Question
Continually ask yourself, "What is the most valuable use of my time, right now?" And whatever it is, work on that. Your ability to discipline yourself to work on those few tasks that can make the greatest difference in your life is the key quality that makes everything
Labels: Motivation
The Rich Do Things Yesterday...
Make it a habit, do every task as if it was urgent.
Moving fast & getting things done has many hidden & tangible benefits. It allows u to grab opportunities that would be impossible otherwise. It means u have marketing opportunities & gives u the chance to tackle ongoing problems.
Moving fast isn't an optional extra if u want to be rich. It is what will drive your success. If u take life & work at a relaxed pace, then your business will not move forward & your customer will go elsewhere.
Make a resolution (AZAM): If something needs to be done, do it now. What needs to be done tomrrow? Do it today. Then think about next week's task & do them tomorrow. Keep moving fast.
In business u can't just move fast. U also have to think fast & decide fast. Making fast decisions can be difficult for some people. Sometimes, it almost seems physically painful. But u will better off making a decision than doing nothing. Someone who does nothing will stagnate personally, & so will their business.
Observe successful people & u will see how they seem to make big decision - even ones costing millions of dollars - at a speed that may look reckless. Why does it look reckless? Because the decision has been taken so fast. But successful people know that they will never have complete information on which to base their decision, so they have to go ahead with the knowledge they already have. There are only disadvantages to not making a decision, for it means nothing will be done.
Moral of the story: Just do it with whatever information & knowledge that u have right now. U don't have to wait until u know everything then u will start the business. Learning is a journey process & not a destination. Keep on moving & learn along your way... Think about it...
Labels: Motivation
Dollar Cost Averaging
An example of what dollar cost averaging can achieve.
With dollar cost averaging, you don't have to worry about where share prices or interest rates are headed. You simply invest a set amount of money on a regular basis over a long period of time.
Sound easy? You're absolutely right. Dollar cost averaging is a disciplined investment technique that can help turn the odds in your favour. The idea is that you buy less when the market is up, and more when it is down - automatically.
Let's look at an example which is fairly exaggerated, but illustrates how it works. Say you put $100 per month into a managed investment that initially had a unit price of $10. Over the next few months, the market falls (causing the unit price to drop) before recovering to its original value.
Month---Investment---Unit Price---Units Purchased
1-----------$100----------- $10--------------10.0
2-----------$100----------- $8---------------12.5
3-----------$100----------- $5---------------20.0
4-----------$100----------- $8---------------12.5
5-----------$100----------- $10--------------10.0
Total:------$500-----------$10-total units:65.0
At the end of the 5 months you have 65 units each worth $10, so you have $650. You have invested $500, so your profit is $150 even though the unit price is the same as when you first invested.
Of course, dollar cost averaging does not guarantee a profit. But with a sensible and long-term investment approach, dollar cost averaging can smooth out the market's ups and downs and reduce the risk of investing in volatile markets.
So when is the best time to invest? This month, next month…every month.
Labels: Unit trust info
Advantages of managed funds
While there will always be a place for direct investments (for wealthy individuals, investors with special interest or ambition to self-manage, when there are special opportunities to take advantage of, and so on), managed funds make sense for most investors who are inexperienced and in any event, unable to access necessary research information or to analyse that information.
Other advantages of professionally managed funds over direct investments are as follows:
Professional management - Investors in a managed fund effectively employ professionals to act on their behalf. This is a 'hands free' investment from an investor point of view.
Cost efficiencies - due to the very enormous amounts Fund Managers deal with they effectively have a greater bargaining power than the individual investor relative to transaction costs. The costs include brokerage fees etc.; these reduced fees available to Fund Managers are passed back to the Client in the form of better returns.
Diversification - Investing in a Managed Fund allows diversification that would not otherwise be possible if investing directly. For example it would not be possible to invest $80,000 evenly over the property market and the equities market. This is simply because you would not be able to purchase a property market for $40,000. However you could achieve this allocation of funds via a Managed Fund.
Flexibility - Investing in a managed fund allows flexibility to alter your investment portfolio simply and without incurring new entry fees and brokerage cost
Liquidity - Depending on the underlying investment would determine how quickly the funds can be accessed. In most cases funds would be released within 14days. Investors can access a part of their funds or the whole amount as required.
Administration - Administration is simplified as the investor receives one cheque and one statement per managed fund instead of a number of cheques from property managers, company dividends etc.
Labels: Unit trust info
Unit trust industry is booming...
THE unit trust industry expanded further during the first five months of the year with the launch of new funds and an increase in the number of units in circulation.
The growth was attributed to sustained investor interest in unit trusts as a viable investment instrument.
During the period, 45 new funds were launched to reach a total of 435 funds as at end-May (end-2006: 392 funds).
Units in circulation rose 8.7% to 167.4 billion (end-December, 2006: 10.5%; 154.1 billion). The Islamic unit trust segment continued to expand with 12 new funds bringing the total to 106 as at end-May 2007 (end-2006: 95 funds).
The net asset value (NAV) of the unit trust industry rose 18% to RM143.7bil and accounted for 13.5% of the market capitalisation of Bursa Malaysia (end-2006: 23.6%; RM121.8bil; 14.4%).
The number of new unit trust funds launched that invested in foreign markets and funds already investing abroad reached 128 funds as of end-May, with investment totalling RM10.8bil.
There has been positive response to the Government's efforts to promote the development of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in the capital market. The first half of 2007 saw four new REITs listed on Bursa Malaysia bringing the total to 13 REITs.
Market capitalisation of REITs rose strongly by 73.5% to RM4.98bil as at end-June (end-2006: RM2.87bil), reflecting growing investor interest in REITs as an investment instrument to access the property market.
Labels: News, Unit trust info